
National Fellowships and Scholarships

Applying to Post-Graduate Scholarships

St. John’s students have an impressive track record in the national scholarship competitions. The Career Development Office holds an informational meeting in the spring for interested juniors to begin the application process to compete for the various scholarships and fellowships, including , , , , and .

Students interested in applying for these scholarships are encouraged to notify the Career Development Office of their intended applications the spring of their junior year because the deadlines are early in the fall semester. The Fellowship Committee will review applications, interview applicants, make recommendations, and arrange mock interviews for candidates who make it to the interview stage.

Alumni are often eligible for some of these scholarships, too. Please contact the Career Development Office if interested in applying, and staff will discuss the process with you. Alumni interested in applying for scholarships requiring an endorsement must work with the St. John’s faculty fellowship committee.

Scholarship list