
Rules of the College Community


St. John’s is a community of learning. The college expects its members to conform to standards of civility that make communal life and work possible. Foremost among these standards is respect for the person and property of others. Such respect is shown in both speech and action. All members of the community should expect this respect from others and must behave toward others in a way that makes such respect clear. In a community that brings people from diverse backgrounds together this may require a deliberate effort to understand those with whom one is living and working. The college expects this effort from all its members; such an effort is essential to the intellectual enterprise in which we are engaged.

This is followed closely by the obligation to maintain an orderly and reasonably quiet atmosphere conducive to study and reflection, and by the obligation to cooperate with others whose habits differ from one’s own. The college does not tolerate failure to meet this standard, nor does it condone incivility in any form. Failure to abide by decent standards of civility may result in disciplinary action up to and including suspension or expulsion from the college.


All members of the college community share responsibility for upholding standards of decency and civility and for maintaining living conditions that are conducive to study and learning. The college therefore expects every student to abide by all the rules of residence and to refrain from misbehavior whether or not it is explicitly mentioned in the rules of residence; it expects every student to exhort fellow students to similar behavior. For the good of the community, it also expects all students, regardless of consequences, to report their own misdeeds, to try to persuade others to report their own misdeeds, and to report the misdeeds of those who cannot be persuaded to do so. Failure or refusal to report misbehavior may lead to disciplinary action up to and including expulsion.


The college expects community members to be honest. The college expects students not to lie and not to withhold information, either about themselves or about their fellow students. Dishonesty may lead to disciplinary action up to and including expulsion.


Students are obliged to obey all city, state, and federal laws. Being a St. John’s student offers no special immunity to any violator of public laws.

Rules of the Student Polity

The Undergraduate Student Polity has established certain rules by referendum vote. Both undergraduate and graduate students should conform their behavior to these rules. The rules established by referendum are:

  1. The sleep-study rule: No Polity member shall knowingly interfere with the sleep or study of another Polity member. If a student finds their sleep or study disturbed, they should first politely speak to those who are causing the disturbance. If this fails, they may appeal to a Resident Advisor, but if this is not possible they should call a Public Safety Officer. If problems persist in a particular room or hall, the student should first inform the Resident Advisor, and then the Coordinator of Student Services;
  2. No Polity member shall render any Polity facility unusable;
  3. All residence halls shall be open to all Polity members at all times, with the following exceptions: first, the Delegate Council in consultation with the Coordinator of Student Services may set aside certain parts of a residence hall and establish limited visiting hours for those areas. Should the Delegate Council do this, the hours will be posted at entrances to those areas. Second, certain halls, by signed agreement of every student therein and with the approval of the Coordinator of Student Services, may establish hall rules that could ban students under the influence from entering that hall. (This rule may be superseded in cases where students need to be restricted and privacy must be maintained. The Assistant Dean, Vice President of Student Affairs, or the Director of Student Services may ban students from the residence halls without consulting with the Delegate Council. In addition, students may not have currently enrolled students as overnight guests for an extended period of time.)


State and local laws generally prohibit individuals from betting, making wagers, or gambling. Thus, a poker game, if played for money, is unlawful. The college does not sponsor or sanction such activities, and no student group may sponsor, organize, or participate in such activities, except as the law allows.

Qualified organizations, including the college, may conduct “gaming events” under certain circumstances. The Director of Student Services must approve any gaming event at St. John’s College. Lola’s is a permitted gaming event, and the college works with students to ensure compliance with the law. Roulette is prohibited, and card or dice games are allowed only if they are played for tokens for which no cash prize is awarded or offered. Under certain circumstances, prizes in money or merchandise may be awarded using a paddle wheel, wheel of fortune, chance book, or bingo. Only individuals who have been members of the college (student, faculty, or staff) for more than 12 months may operate a gaming device.

The college is required to submit a report to the Department of Inspections and Permits for each gaming event (e.g. Lola’s). Student groups coordinating a gaming event will provide the Director of Student Services with the information necessary to make this report.


Copyright law extends to “original works of authorship” (Title 17, United States Code), whether literary, dramatic, musical, artistic, or some other kind of intellectual work. If such a work is copyrighted, there are specific legal limits on who can copy or otherwise use that work. Copyright infringement is the act of exercising, without permission or legal authority, one or more of the exclusive rights granted to the copyright owner under section 106 of the Copyright Act (Title 17 of the United States Code). These rights include the right to reproduce or distribute a copyrighted work. In the file-sharing context, downloading or uploading substantial parts of a copyrighted work without authority constitutes an infringement. Students are responsible for making sure that their use of copyrighted materials is appropriate and legal. If a student infringes on copyright using College resources, the College may be held liable. If you are interested in copying, showing, or distributing something that is copyrighted, the Library Director is available to give you guidance. In general, the Library Director is available to help you answer questions about appropriate use of copyrighted materials.

Copyright infringement will be treated as a disciplinary matter, subject to disciplinary action up to and including expulsion. Legal penalties for copyright infringement include both civil and criminal penalties. In general, anyone found liable for civil copyright infringement may be ordered to pay either actual damages or “statutory” damages affixed at not less than $750 and not more than $30,000 per work infringed. For “willful” infringement, a court may award up to $150,000 per work infringed. A court can, in its discretion, also assess costs and attorneys’ fees. For details, see Title 17, United States Code, Sections 504, 505. Willful copyright infringement can also result in criminal penalties, including imprisonment of up to five years and fines of up to $250,000 per offense. More information can be found on the website of the U.S. Copyright Office at copyright.gov, and their FAQ’s at . A copy of the St. John’s College plan to address copyright infringement is available upon request in the IT office.

Audio and Video Recording and Photography

Honesty, civility, and respect are cornerstones of the college community. In order to ensure that all parties feel free to speak and express themselves openly and without fear of unauthorized or surreptitious recording, audio and video recording and photography of any community member requires express consent, except where taken by the college for identification, security, or other institutional purposes or by a community member for submission to the Campus Safety Alert system. Please note that it is also a violation of Maryland state law to record a conversation without the express consent of all parties.

Social Media Policy

In their use of social media, students are expected to conform to community standards, such as civility, responsibility, and honesty. All material posted on social media is subject to privacy and copyright laws. Care should be taken to make sure that material posted online is appropriate for public display.

Use of the St. John’s College name, logo, and seal should be reserved for officially affiliated pages only.

The full social media policy can be found here.


The maintenance of standards of civility is essential to the well-being of a community devoted to study; the observation of certain formalities supports those standards. Seminars, lectures, concerts, convocation, and commencement exercises are formal occasions and students should dress appropriately. In tutorials, offices, bookstore, library, coffee shop, and dining hall (other than on the occasions mentioned above), students may dress more informally.

Feet must be shod at all times in the classroom buildings, offices, bookstore, libraries, coffee shop, dining hall, and FSK Auditorium.

Bicycles and Skateboards

Bicycles are to be registered in the Public Safety Office. Students who own bicycles should keep them locked on one of the bicycle racks. The college advises students to use the best quality U-type lock available. Racks are located in front of Paca-Carroll, behind Randall, by the library, and in the basements of Chase-Stone, Gilliam, and Spector. Bicycles must not be left in the halls or common rooms of the dormitories. Unregistered bicycles will be removed from the racks periodically. Advance warning (one week) of removals will be given.

The college walkways are designed for pedestrians. Students who use bicycles or skateboards on campus are responsible for doing so safely and considerately. If, in the judgment of any college official or Public Safety Officer, a bicyclist is endangering or disturbing others, a fine may be imposed and the bicycle or skateboard may be confiscated.

Name Changes

When a student’s name changes, the student must notify the Office of the Registrar and present official documentation of the name change, e.g., a court order or marriage certificate. Alteration of the name on the student’s record and notification to the college community will only be made after these documents have been presented. Students who require a change of name in congruence with their gender identity or expression should contact the Office of the Registrar.

Student Hosted Activities and Events

Parties on campus are an important facet of student life and in order to allow them, there are necessary and prudent limitations that must be observed. Most rules that govern parties are devoted to ensuring their future continuation. Since so much is at stake, these rules will be enforced with great strictness. Contact the Community Facilitator for Student Activities and Events to obtain a copy of the event contract and for assistance in coordinating your event.

Event Scheduling

  • Event Contract: Hosts of events or club activities must enter into an event contract with the Director of Student Services. The contract should be completed by 2 p.m. four business days before the event (e.g., 2 p.m. on Tuesday for a Saturday night party). Party hosts of events with alcohol must contact the Community Facilitator for Student Activities and Events three weeks prior to the event date in order to book the necessary bartender and potentially file paperwork with the City Clerk office (see details in Alcohol at Student Events).
  • Scheduling Restrictions: To protect students’ needs for sleep and study, parties on campus must end by 2 a.m. on Fridays and Saturdays. Parties on Friday nights may not start until 11 p.m. or after the end of the question period, whichever is earlier. Under special circumstances, or for certain traditional parties, extensions for the end of parties may be granted by the Director of Student Services. Permission for weeknight parties will be granted only on rare occasions.
  • Location Reservations: Prior to submitting an event contract, a host must request a campus reservation with the Manager of Campus Reservations to utilize any on campus space that is not a common room and receive approval for the date in question. Hosts should also include the use of furnishings and furniture in their request to ensure availability, and they are responsible for returning tables and chairs to their previous location at the close of the event. Buildings & Grounds is not responsible for setup or cleanup of student events (including tables and chairs).
    • Parties Held on Campus but Not in a Dormitory: To use non-dormitory areas for parties or other events, students must reserve the space with the Manager of Campus Reservations before submitting an Event Contract to the Director of Student Services. Please see “Facility Use” on page 54 for more information about this. Graduate Institute party hosts must also notify the Graduate Institute Office and the Public Safety Office. Since the boathouse is located in a somewhat isolated part of campus, it is more susceptible than other places to unwelcome intrusions. For this reason, requests to host an event in the boathouse must receive approval from the Director of Student Services, the Manager of Campus Reservations, and the Chief of Public Safety.
    • Parties in Common Rooms: To hold an alcohol-free party in a common room a student must reserve the room through the Director of Student Services. The student who reserves the room is responsible for the party and for putting the room in order after the party. A Resident Advisor, Community Facilitator, or Public Safety Officer may stop forthwith any spontaneous dormitory party for which no host takes responsibility.

Host Duties & Responsible Event Conduct:

  • The first step in organizing a party is to designate two party hosts. The party hosts are responsible for seeing that the party is in compliance with college rules, such as those concerning the use of alcohol. (See “Alcohol at Student Events”). The primary responsibility for the conduct of guests falls on individual guests themselves; hosts, however, are responsible for upholding college rules and maintaining a safe and responsible atmosphere at their parties. For this reason, party hosts are advised to recruit several co-hosts to help maintain good order. Further, hosts must have support and assistance available to them. If a guest at a party violates college rules, hosts may either approach the violator themselves or call a Community Facilitator or Public Safety Officer to approach the violator.
  • Should a party disturb the sleep or study of any student, the student disturbed should first politely ask the hosts to quiet the party. If this fails, the student should contact a Public Safety Officer. Public Safety Officers may also ask students at a party to moderate noise or may require students to disperse, if, in their judgment, this is warranted. They exercise this judgment at the specific request of the Assistant Dean. Students who question a decision should comply with it and see the Assistant Dean at the earliest opportunity to discuss the matter.
  • The host or hosts at a party are also responsible for ensuring that after the party the room where the party was held is put in order in accordance with the clean-up instructions on the party permission form, and for making good any damage to college property. The housekeeping and buildings and grounds staff are not responsible for setting up or cleaning up after student parties. If a party facility is not left clean to the satisfaction of the Director of Student Services, the hosts will be charged for the necessary cleaning and may be fined. If this sort of problem recurs, the hosts may be denied permission to host parties or required to post cleaning bonds. The hosts of the party are responsible for asking a Public Safety Officer to check the area both before and after the event in order to ensure an accurate report regarding any damage that may have occurred or any out-of-the-ordinary cleaning that may be required. A Public Safety Officer or a Community Facilitator may end the party if there are noise complaints and the hosts do not succeed in responding to them. Should this occur, the party hosts will need to meet with the Director of Student Services on the next business day.

A/V Support at Student Events

Two weeks prior to your event, email the details of your event to user.support(at)sjc.edu to request A /V support with microphones, screen projectors, speakers, and so forth.

Film Licensing

Contact the Community Facilitator for Student Activities and Events for assistance in obtaining the required film license for any screening taking place outside of a dorm room. We have obtained reduced licensing fees through SWANK to assist your efforts. Any screening that takes place without a film license outside of a private residence qualifies as a public screening and is in violation of copyright law. Violators could face up to five years in prison and fines ranging up to $250,000.

Special Requests: Patio Heaters, Fire Pit, Bonfires

The following items can be requested on the event contract.

2x Patio Heaters:

A Community Facilitator will need to install the propane tanks for you and remove them at the end of the event. Patio heaters must not be moved while lit, and they cannot be used in a non-ventilated area.

Fire pit:

The fire pit must be placed on level, flat ground away from any overhang and should not be moved while the fire is lit. One should not attempt to cook on the lid. The firepit must be doused with water completely at the conclusion of the event, and then returned the next day, once it has cooled, to the seating area adjacent to the Ptolemy Stone.


A bonfire needs to be planned a minimum of 3 weeks in advance in order to obtain the necessary burn permit from the city. You are required to douse the fire at the scheduled conclusion of your event, and Public Safety will likely stop by to make sure this presents no issue. If you are unable to receive the burn permit in advance of your event, you may not proceed. Instructions for obtaining the permit are as follows:

  1. Receive permission from the Community Facilitator for Student Activities and Events and the Manager of Campus Reservations for a bonfire for your chosen date.
  2. Call the Fire Marshall’s office (410-260-2202; fmo(at)annapolis.gov) and inquire about your event date, give them the location (back campus fields), and time length of the event and request to schedule an appointment to pick up permit. It is advised that you also request a possible rain date.
  3. Walk to Fire Marshall’s Office for the burn permit:
    185 Duke of Gloucester St, Annapolis, MD 21401
  4. Walk the permit to City Hall (turn left out of FMO and follow path) and pay $25 for the permit:
    160 Duke of Gloucester St, Annapolis, MD 21401
  5. Send a copy of the permit and event contract to the Director of Student Services.
  6. You may request that 6-8x pallets for your bonfire be set out in the cinderblock outlined pit near the observatory and you can ask for access to the hose to douse the fire at the conclusion of the event by emailing the Manager of Campus Reservations.

Informal Socializing in Public Areas

When students gather spontaneously in the college’s public areas (especially the quad and the coffee shop) the gathering may sometimes come to resemble a party even though there are no hosts or organizers. In such cases all college regulations are still to be observed. If, in the judgment of a Public Safety Officer, a Senior Resident, or the Director of Student Services, such a gathering is disturbing others or giving rise to violations of the rules, the gathering may be dispersed and the public area cleared.

Alcohol at Student Events

Hosts of events with alcohol should understand and uphold the regulations as listed below. A host checklist has also been provided to aid in your coordination efforts and ensure compliance.

  • Under no circumstance is alcohol to be provided to or consumed by persons less than 21 years of age. Party hosts must make every reasonable effort to see that alcohol is not served to intoxicated people. “Drinking games” are not permitted at parties or elsewhere. No more than one party where alcohol is served is permitted each weekend.
  • Party hosts of events with alcohol must contact the Community Facilitator for Student Activities and Events three weeks prior to the event date, in order to book the necessary bartender and potentially file paperwork with the City Clerk office.
  • At least two Community Facilitators are to be present for each event with alcohol. When the second Community Facilitator has not been pre-assigned to chaperone, the event host is responsible for hiring the second Community Facilitator. Payment must be made to the second Community Facilitator the night of the event and the fee is $75.00. The Director of Student Services must also approve in advance the total amount and kind of alcohol to be served, the bartenders, and the method of service. Beer and wine are the only alcoholic beverages that will be approved for service at student parties unless the Director of Student Services grants a specific exception. Regardless of alcohol percentage, alcoholic seltzers such as Crave, Truly, White Claw, Topo Chico, are not allowed at student events.
  • The service of alcohol may begin when the Community Facilitator on-call arrives at the party. No one other than the licensed bartender is permitted to serve alcohol (bottles, cans, or kegs) at any time. Whenever alcohol is served, food and appealing non-alcoholic beverages must also be served. If there is no charge for alcoholic beverages, there can be no charge for food or non-alcoholic beverages.
  • No one may bring any additional alcohol into the party. The party hosts are responsible for upholding this rule, and for seeking the support of a Community Facilitator or Public Safety Officer if they need help doing so.
  • The distribution of alcohol must end at least 30 minutes before the end of the party. Leftover alcohol will be escorted by a Community Facilitator to the Public Safety Office to be picked up by the event host the next day to be returned.
  • Alcohol is not to be at athletic events. An exception to this is made for the annual croquet match with the Naval Academy. Alcoholic beverages are prohibited in all classrooms, in FSK Auditorium, in the dining hall and in the gym. Special exceptions may be made to these prohibitions only with the explicit permission of the Director of Student Services.
  • Under no circumstances is alcohol to be sold to raise money for student organizations or functions. Alcohol may be sold at cost, but for this, a liquor license is required. Obtaining a liquor license from the City of Annapolis can take several weeks. Students who file an incomplete license or who are granted a liquor license but do not pick it up at the City Clerk’s Office may be fined by the city. Students who wish to apply for a liquor license must consult with the Community Facilitator for Student Events and Activities before approaching the city.

Alcohol Event - Host Checklist

  1. Contact the Community Facilitator for Student Activities and Events to discuss your event plan. Alcohol will need to be served concurrently with food and non-alcoholic beverages for the entire duration of alcohol service with clear cups for non-alcoholic beverages and solid color cups for alcohol. The Community Facilitator will hire a TIPS certified bartender with liquor liability insurance for a maximum of 3 hours to serve alcohol at your event. One Community Facilitator will automatically be assigned to chaperone the party, and you will need to hire a second Community Facilitator to chaperone the event for $75, which can be funded by the Delegate Council. To cover the alcohol bill itself, a student host will need to either A) fundraise to cover the alcohol bill or B) sell wristbands, as DC funds cannot be used for alcohol purchases.
    1. Fundraising: Ms. Munsey will be happy to share possible fundraising ideas with you at varying levels of involvement.
    2. Selling Wristbands: If you’d prefer not to fundraise for the alcohol and would rather sell wristbands at the event, you will need to apply for a one-day liquor license with the city. For both forms, you will need to obtain the signature of the Treasurer (as “property owner”) in the Business Office, and you will be asked for our non-profit identification number (NPI): 52-0591421. Both forms below will need to be submitted two weeks in advance of your event; this is the city clerk’s contact info if you have questions: https://www.annapolis.gov/directory.aspx?EID=124.
      1. The .
      2. You will also need to .
  2. Email the Manager of Campus Reservations (room.reservations(at)sjc.edu) to request to reserve a campus location for your date in question and once approved, you must submit an Event Contract to the Director of Student Services. Once you receive notice of approval of the event from the Director of Student Services, you may advertise your event.
  3. Once all the above has been completed and you have obtained all necessary licenses and permissions, you may purchase the alcohol to be delivered on the day of the event. You will be provided with the number of students of legal drinking age on your event date, and the formula included on the fourth page of the event contract will help you calculate how much alcohol to purchase for your event.

Prospective Students

Prospective students must obey the same rules as enrolled students. Enrolled students must use discretion in their social contacts with visiting prospective students; those who are irresponsible or exploitative in their relations with prospective students are subject to disciplinary action.