
Education Out of Bounds: Reimagining Cultural Studies for a Posthuman Age

Education Out of Bounds: Reimagining Cultural Studies for a Posthuman Age

Role: Co-author

In Education Out of Bounds, Lewis and Kahn argue for a new critical theory of the monster as an imaginary “other” on the margins of the human and the animal. Through a unique combination of critical, posthumanist, and educational theories, the authors engage in a surreal journey into how social movements are renegotiating the boundaries of community through expressions of posthuman love. Their cultural studies experiments both extend and challenge the critical theories of Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri, Giorgio Agamben, Paulo Freire, and others concerned with questions of teaching and learning beyond the global cultural logic of capitalism. Part philosophy of imagination, part political theory, and part pedagogical critique, this book is a twenty-first century bestiary, a catalog to navigate the monstrous world in which we live.