
Print Shop and Copy Center

The Annapolis Print Shop and Copy Center is located in the right wing of the Heating Plant on St. John’s Street, next to the Mellon parking lot.

Hours of Operation

Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Contact Information

Michael Jordan | michael.jordan(at)sjc.edu | 410-626-2546

Copier Capabilities and Features

The Print Shop has a new 80 ppm COLOR copier

Paper Sizes, Weights, and Colors

Paper Sizes

  • 8½ x 11
  • 8 x 14
  • 11 x 17


  • 16 lb-40 lb Bond
  • 50 lb-80 lb Cover
  • 90 lb-110 lb Index

A variety of about 24 colors of bonds kept in stock purchased from two local paper merchants representing 40 domestic and international paper mills.

Recycled Papers

College letterhead and envelopes are on recycled papers, as are many specialty papers used in college publications


The Print Shop takes part in recycling its paper waste.


Like the Annapolis campus bookstore, the Print Shop is an auxiliary part of the college, and is audited every July. Therefore it charges for all its services; the intention and goal is a break-even operation. All faculty and campus offices have annual budgets. Student organizations have funds distributed to them through the DC. Some student publications, such as The Gadfly and Energeia, have money budgeted to them through the college.


We can reduce and enlarge 25% to 400% in 1% increments.

Stapling and Bindery

Single and double stapling is available, 100 page maximum (8½ x 11).

The large copier features on-line stream punching as copy prints for binding later-speeding up the coil binding process for lab manuals and other instructional materials. Two interchangeable dies are available for three-hole punching and plastic coil binding (11-inch side only).

Copies can be collated, or left unstapled in collated sets.

Pickup and Delivery

Faculty pickup and delivery of work available daily. Staff may call for pickup and delivery of work at no charge, of course. Jobs may be sent by campus mail if it is not urgent. Walk-ins and copy-while-you-wait jobs are quite welcome, too.

Turn-around times

Depending on the size of the job, quantities needed, and finishing required (binding/folding etc.), turnaround may be as little as an hour. Most jobs can be done within one working day.

Electronic Processing

Documents can be scanned at speeds up to 80 sheets per minute (spm) for black and white and 80 spm for color. Optical resolution is 600 dpi.

File Formats

Documents may be sent using the network or via email to michael.jordan(at)sjc.edu.

File Types Supported

  • Single Page TIFF/JPEGS
  • Single Page PDF
  • Multi Page TIFF
  • Multi Page PDF

Mailing and Mail List Processing Services

The mailroom and the Print Shop are separate operations at the college.

Inter-office pick-ups, faculty, student and staff P.O. Boxes are all serviced by the mailroom staff and its student aides. All outgoing office mail picked up by the mailroom staff is the responsibility of the mailroom, and it is processed twice daily. Mail picked up at the post office is also distributed by the mailroom only.

However, when the US Postal Service (USPS) began automating and offering discounts to educational institutions, they strongly recommended that if there is an in-plant print shop that it combine automated mail processing equipment with their printing operation. With this combination of printing/mailing, we quite often print, for example, a postcard, then process a mailing list through the USPS database, address the mail piece, meter it, and mail it the same day.

In 1996, the Print Shop bought its first Neopost addressing machine, computer and mail list processing programs and computer to, using the USPS database. A new computerized metering machine was installed to process first class and automated pre-sort first class mail.

Mail Service Center Capabilities

  • First Class mailings
  • Address data processing
  • Inkjet addressing
  • Stuffing

Additionally, the Print Shop will do mail runs to the Eastport Post Office to ensure time sensitive mailings are expedited.