
Patient Rights/Responsibilities

This notice provides you with information about your rights and responsibilities as a patient of the SHWC.

Patient Rights

As a patient, you have the right to:

  • Be treated in a civil manner with consideration, respect, and courtesy in all interactions regardless of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status, personal appearance, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, disability, or political affiliation.
  • Have discussions, examinations, and treatments conducted in a private, safe environment.
  • Know the identity and credentials of the healthcare professional providing services.
  • Actively participate in decisions concerning your health and the care you receive.
  • Expect a clear explanation of diagnosis, prognosis, methods of treatment, and alternatives to treatment.
  • Expect a clear explanation of any tests ordered, the reason(s) for ordering them, and the benefits/risks of medications dispensed or prescribed.
  • Be given an opportunity to ask questions of your healthcare provider.
  • Be informed of personal responsibilities for treatment and for managing health and well-being after treatment.
  • Choose or change providers (depending on availability) within the SHWC and/or be informed of specialists available in the community.
  • Receive information on patient rights, patient responsibilities, services, hours of operation, and provisions for after-hours care and emergency coverage.
  • Receive information about fees and billing for services, explanation of fees, and payment policies.
  • Express concerns directly with any SHWC staff member or contact the SJC Vice President of Student Affairs at 410-626-2530.

You additionally have the following rights regarding health information maintained about you:

  • Right to inspect and obtain a copy of your records, subject to certain limitations involving our professional judgment.
  • Right to request amendment of your records; however, we are not required to grant requests in all circumstances.
  • Right to request an accounting of certain disclosures of your health information.
  • Right to request restrictions on our use of your health information for treatment and healthcare operations; however, we are not always required to accept your request.
  • Right to request that we communicate with you in a certain way or at a certain location for confidentiality. 
  • Right to receive a paper copy of this notice at any time.

If you believe that your privacy rights have been violated, you may file a complaint with us and/or the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services. For further information regarding your rights under this notice or to file a complaint regarding your health information privacy, you may contact the SJC Vice President of Student Affairs at 410-626-2530. You will not face any retaliation for filing a complaint. 

Patient Responsibilities

The SHWC is committed to providing quality health care to SJC students. We believe that quality health care is a result of a collaboration between the healthcare provider and patient. We encourage you to take an active role in managing your health.

As a patient, you are responsible for:

  • Seeking medical care soon after feeling ill so you do not put others at risk of becoming ill.
  • Allowing a reasonable amount of time when accessing services. For example, when accessing SHWC services, you are expected to arrive 5 minutes before your scheduled appointment and leave ample time between your appointment and classes (i.e., do not schedule an appointment 15 minutes before class or work).
  • Keeping your appointments, or cancelling/rescheduling as far in advance as possible so that your appointment time may be given to another patient.
  • Familiarizing yourself with your insurance benefits and coverage for any office fees, as well as associated laboratory and medication fees, and paying for services rendered in a timely manner.
  • Presenting an ID card and insurance card to the SHWC staff if asked at check-in.
  • Acting in a courteous manner; showing respect to healthcare personnel and other patients by refraining from eating, drinking, and using cell phones while in the SHWC and while with your provider.
  • Providing complete information about a health problem or illness to your provider, including accurate information about your medical and psychiatric history, allergies, or medications you are taking.
  • Asking questions to ensure that you understand your illness or problem and the recommended treatment.
  • Securing prescription medications (in your possession), taking them as directed, and not sharing them with others.
  • Communicating with your healthcare provider if a condition worsens or does not follow the expected course.
  • Taking responsibility for actions and outcomes if you refuse treatment, care, or services, or if you do not follow the healthcare professional’s instructions.
  • Completing satisfaction surveys that may be provided.
  • Contacting the SJC Vice President of Student Affairs at 410-626-2530 with any concerns about the SHWC.
  • Notifying the SHWC staff if you have a living will, healthcare proxy, or power of attorney for health-related issues.