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Grants for Teachers and Educators

Originally founded in 1967 as the Teachers Institute in Liberal Education, the Graduate Institute seeks to preserve a commitment to the education of teachers as a special part of its mission. The Graduate Institute therefore offers special grants to educators.

The Educator Grant

The Educator Grant is available to students working in education as teachers, administrators, professors, librarians, curriculum developers and more. The Educator Grant provides a one-third tuition grant to pursue either of the graduate programs without demonstrating need. Students who demonstrate need may qualify for up to the maximum of one-half the tuition for either program. Applicants who wish to be considered for the Educator Grant must complete the form below and submit a letter from the supervisor of their institution verifying their employment.

Download the Educator Grant Application

The Hodson Trust Teacher Fellowship Program

This program (in Annapolis only) is funded through the generosity of the Hodson Trust, and offers a grant of 70% of cost during the summer for eligible full-time primary or secondary school teachers. This fellowship is open to students from Maryland, Virginia, the District of Columbia, Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Connecticut, and New York. Applicants must complete an application and provide a letter from the principal of their school verifying their full-time employment as a teacher in the academic year prior to enrollment to the Graduate Institute. Priority for the Hodson Trust Teacher Fellowship Program will be given to students attending the Graduate Institute in-person.

Matching grants are available for those who want to attend the Santa Fe campus, although the Hodson Trust Teacher Fellowship Program is available only on the Annapolis campus.

Download the Hodson Trust Teacher Fellowship Application

Read the Fellowship Brochure