
2019 GLS Symposium Presentation

Presentation Logistics


Participants with accepted proposals are placed on a panel of three or four presenters covering similar subject matter. Panels run throughout the day on Saturday and on Sunday morning. A finalized schedule will be posted in May.

Presentation Time

Panels last for one-and-a half to two hours, depending on the number of panelists. This allows twenty minutes for each presentation, followed by a ten-minute question-and-answer period.

Room Set-up

Presentation rooms are arranged theater-style, with a podium at the front. Because these rooms aren't large, microphones are not needed.


Presenters are strongly encouraged not to use PowerPoint or other A/V tools, but if these are necessary, please note that each room is outfitted with a projector, projection screen, and laptop containing the latest version of PowerPoint.

Content should be loaded onto a flash drive and delivered to the appropriate room ten minutes prior to presentation time so it can be transferred to the laptop, which connects to a projector via HDMI cable. If you plan to use your own laptop, make sure to bring all the outputs or dongles necessary for HDMI connection. Please also ensure that your presentation is printed out, downloaded to your device, or otherwise prepared before your arrival on campus.

Due to the time required to set up individual laptops and the potential for technical error, we recommend that presenters use the laptop provided.

Your Presentation

You are allotted no more than twenty minutes for your presentation. In order to keep to schedule, a moderator will let you know when you have five minutes, two minutes, and one minute remaining. After the presentation, a ten-minute period is set aside for questions and answers.

Before arriving at the conference, you are advised to practice your presentation thoroughly and repeatedly, focusing on content coherence and time management in front of a live audience who can give you honest feedback.

To Do List