
After St. John鈥檚

Nearly 70 percent of our students pursue advanced degrees. Below, see some of the most recent colleges and universities our students have attended after St. John’s. St. John’s is in the top 2 percent of all colleges and universities in the nation for percent of alumni who go on to earn PhDs, the top 1 percent for degrees in the humanities, and the top 4 percent for those in science and engineering.

American Studies 

Boston University

Emory University

University of New Mexico


Carnegie Mellon University

Pratt Institute

Rhode Island School of Design

Art and Art History

Art Institute of Chicago

Savannah College of Art and Design

Sotheby’s Institute


Johns Hopkins University

University of Pennsylvania

University of Texas

Business Administration

Harvard University

Thunderbird, the Garvin School of Global Management

University of Pennsylvania Wharton School of Business

Carnegie Mellon University


New York University 

University of California, Berkeley

University of Massachusetts

City Planning

California State Polytechnic Institute

Marlboro College

University of Michigan

Classics/Classical Languages

Cambridge University

Johns Hopkins University

Oxford University 

Princeton University

Comparative Literature

Emory University

Oxford University

Yale University


Georgetown University

London School of Economics

Yale University

Education/Education Policy

Columbia University Teachers College

Duke University

Pennsylvania State University University of Mississippi


Dartmouth College

University of Maryland

University of Michigan

English/English Literature

Middlebury College

Oxford University

University of Virginia


American Film Institute

New York University

University of Southern California

Fine Arts

Art Institute of Chicago

École des Beaux-Arts

Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts


University of Edinburgh

University of Georgia

University of Michigan


University of Colorado

University of Idaho

University of New Mexico


New School for Social Research

Oxford University

Tel Aviv University

International Relations and Foreign Affairs

American University

George Washington University

Princeton University


Gallaudet University

Middlebury College

University of California, Berkeley


Boston University 

Harvard University

Stanford University

Yale University

Library Science

Case Western Reserve University

Drexel University

Simmons College

University of Michigan

Mathematics and Computer Science

Brandeis University

Dartmouth College

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

University of Minnesota


Columbia University

Harvard University

Johns Hopkins University

Modern Languages/Literature

French: University of Paris, The Sorbonne

German: Harvard University

Japanese: University of New Mexico

Near Eastern Languages: Harvard University

Russian and East European Studies: Columbia University


Juilliard School of Music

New England Conservatory

Peabody Conservatory


The Catholic University of America

Princeton University

Tulane University 

University of Texas


Drexel University

George Mason University

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Tulane University


Bucknell University

Vanderbilt University

Yale University

Political Science/Political Philosophy

Boston College

New School for Social Research

University of Chicago

Pre-medical Post-Baccalaureate

Bryn Mawr College

Columbia University

Johns Hopkins University

Mills College


Duquesne University

University of Pennsylvania

University of Texas

Other Sciences

Anatomy: Columbia University

Applied Science: Laval University

Biophysics: Brandeis University

Cognitive Science: Johns Hopkins University

Entomology: University of Georgia

Epidemiology: Johns Hopkins University

Informatics: George Mason University

Meteorology: New York University

Microbiology: University of Pennsylvania

Radiochemistry: New York University

Public Policy and Administration

Columbia University

Harvard University

University of Texas


Moscow State University of Humanities

Princeton University

University of Maryland

Theater and Drama

London International School of Performing Arts

New York University

Yale University

Theology and Religion

The Catholic University of America

Princeton Theological Seminary

Yale University

Veterinary Medicine

Oregon State University

University of California, Davis

Washington State University

Comparative, Literature, Writing, and Journalism

Columbia University

Cornell University

Emory University

New York University

Yale University

Oxford University

University of London

University of Iowa


Duke University

Cornell University

University of Michigan