
The Truth of This Life: Zen Teachings on Loving the World as It Is

The Truth of This Life: Zen Teachings on Loving the World as It Is

Natalie Goldberg
Role: Co-editor

Katherine Thanas was fearlessly direct and endlessly curious. Katherine’s understanding of Zen was inseparable from her affinity for the arts. In these essential teachings taken from her dharma talks, her love of art and literature shine through in her elegant prose and her vast references, from poets William Stafford and Naomi Shihab Nye to the Zen teachings of Dogen and Robert Aitken. Ranging on subjects from the practice of zazen to the meaning of life, Katherine urges us to “develop an insatiable appetite for inner awareness, to become proficient with this mind.” This slim volume is an important contribution by a well-loved and revered teacher.