
Psychedelic Psalms: Reflections from an Offline World

Psychedelic Psalms: Reflections from an Offline World

Role: Author

Psychedelic Psalms: Reflections from an Offline World is a collection of poems, aphorisms, essays, quotes, and illustrations written over the first 23 years of the 21st century. A contemporary stew composted of various writing forms, Psalms seeks to understand our shared current experience and to give us guidance on how we might proceed. 

Written as short snippets suited for modern-day attention spans, it is a synthesis of Rumi’s Spiritual Poems, Marcus Aurelius’ Meditations, and Khalil Gibran’s The Prophet. An easy to read and entertaining analysis of our human existence, the book is at times poetic and spiritual, while at other points the author offers the reader hard-hitting pragmatic critiques of culture and education. 

Addressing topics ranging from technology to revolutionary new education policies to spirituality, Psychedelic Psalms hopes to awaken all humans to a more evolved future and to remind us of the truths of our existence, already known to us in our immortal souls.