
Digital Citizenship

Digital Citizenship provides guidelines for appropriate behavior regarding technology use. Educator Mike Ribble developed the nine elements associated with Digital Citizenship. According to the , digital citizens “recognize the rights, responsibilities and opportunities of living, learning and working in an interconnected digital world, and they act and model in ways that are safe, legal and ethical.” ISTE identifies the following indicators of digital citizens:

  • Students cultivate and manage their digital identity and reputation and are aware of the permanence of their actions in the digital world.
  • Students engage in positive, safe, legal and ethical behavior when using technology, including social interactions online or when using networked devices.
  • Students demonstrate an understanding of and respect for the rights and obligations of using and sharing intellectual property.
  • Students manage their personal data to maintain digital privacy and security and are aware of data-collection technology used to track their navigation online.

To reinforce these competencies, the nine elements of Digital Citizenship are explained in the context of the St. John’s College community.

Digital Access

The Santa Fe campus provides access to computers, Wi-Fi, printers and scanners. Meem Library provides Wi-Fi, four computers requiring a network login, a printer, and a scanner. When students send jobs to the library printer (Kyocera_Library), $.03 is deducted from their PaperCut account for each page printed; $.06 is deducted for a double-sided page. Students can add additional funds to their PaperCut accounts by purchasing refill cards at the Bookstore.

Digital Commerce

Today you can buy or sell items online with just a few clicks. However, your money and personal information can easily be compromised online. Please review these .

Credit cards generally provide greater protections than debit cards and thus should be used for personal online transactions instead of debit cards. .

Digital Communication

Use of the students’ college email accounts is considered an official means of communication with students at St. John's College. Email enables the college to send notices quickly and to conserve paper. Email ensures that students receive important information about time-sensitive matters such as student accounts, financial aid, registration, and graduation. Because some notices will be sent to students exclusively through email, it is necessary for students to check their college email accounts on a frequent and consistent basis in order to stay current with college communications. Students should check their college email daily and respond promptly to requests from administrative offices. Be sure to check the junk mail and clutter folders.

Digital Literacy

Meem Library provides access to various online resources, including the library catalog, JSTOR, the Digital Loeb Classical Library, FirstSearch, Naxos Spoken Word Library, etc. The librarians provide orientations at the beginning of each semester to demonstrate how students can use these resources to support their studies. Students also are given guidance in using the in order to access account statements and other important information.

Digital Etiquette

In their use of social media, students are expected to conform to community standards, such as civility, responsibility, and honesty. All material posted on social media is subject to privacy and copyright laws. Care should be taken to make sure that material posted online is appropriate for public display. Use of the St. John’s College name, logo, and seal should be reserved for officially affiliated pages only. Please review the Social Media Guidelines and Policies for St. John’s College. Violations of the guidelines may result in disciplinary sanction.

Use of Digital Devices in the Classroom

At St. John’s College, our time in class is typically organized around the study of an assigned text. For a variety of reasons and causes, many of us do ever more of our reading on digital devices of one sort or another. However, there are serious concerns as to the impact of these devices on our common work in the classroom. Given those concerns and our longstanding practice, the general expectation remains that in class students and tutors will use an acceptable printed edition of the assigned text. If students have questions as to what is acceptable, they should speak with their tutors. Direct responsibility for carrying out the Program of Instruction in a given class rests with that class’s tutor who has discretion, as consistent with the Program, to clarify what is required in that class. Our Library and Bookstore staff can be good counselors to students on how to meet these requirements in practical and affordable ways.

Digital Law

While papers written at St. John’s do not require the use of secondary sources, appropriate acknowledgement must be given when referring to the written work of others. Plagiarism is academic misconduct of the most serious kind. If incontrovertible evidence of plagiarizing is found, the student will be dismissed from the college without refund of fees. Students should be especially careful not to appropriate materials found on the Internet without proper citation. This includes material used in papers as well as, e.g., translations and proofs. Please see the . For assistance with citations, please review .

If a literary, musical, or artistic work is copyrighted, there are legal limits on who can copy or otherwise use that work. Copyright infringement is the act of exercising, without permission or legal authority, one or more of the exclusive rights granted to the copyright owner under section 106 of the Copyright Act (Title 17 of the United States Code). These rights include the right to reproduce or distribute a copyrighted work. In the file-sharing context, downloading or uploading substantial parts of a copyrighted work without authority constitutes an infringement. Students are responsible for making sure that their use of copyrighted materials is appropriate and legal. If a student infringes on copyright using college resources, the college may be held liable. The assistant dean, the director of IT, and the library director are available to answer questions about appropriate use of copyrighted materials.

Copyright infringement will be treated as a disciplinary matter, subject to disciplinary action up to and including expulsion. Legal penalties for copyright infringement include both civil and criminal penalties. In general, anyone found liable for civil copyright infringement may be ordered to pay either actual damages or “statutory” damages affixed at not less than $750 and not more than $30,000 per work infringed. For "willful" infringement, a court may award up to $150,000 per work infringed. A court can, in its discretion, also assess costs and attorneys' fees. For details, see Title 17, United States Code, Sections 504, 505. Willful copyright infringement can also result in criminal penalties, including imprisonment of up to five years and fines of up to $250,000 per offense. More information can be found on the Web site of the and their .

Digital Rights and Responsibilities

The St. John’s College Information Technology System includes: computers, communications networks, computer accounts, web pages, network access, central computing facilities, and related services. Access to and use of the college Information Technology System is a privilege granted to currently enrolled students, faculty, and staff. As a user of the Information Technology System, you have two basic rights:

  • Privacy
  • A fair share of resources

In turn, you bear citizenship responsibilities to preserve these rights for your fellow technology system users. This statement of rights and responsibilities is grounded in the community standards and policies outlined in the college’s student, tutor and staff handbooks.

All computer accounts and files belong to somebody.

Your Right: Privacy. No other user may browse, access, copy or change your computer files without your authorization.

Your Responsibility: To uphold your right to privacy and that of your fellow users by not allowing another individual to use your computer account, and by not using another person’s account or attempting to gain access to their files without authorization.

Accessing others’ files or monitoring their computer or network use—except by technology staff for system troubleshooting, maintenance, or security purposes—constitutes a violation of privacy. Ability to access a file does not grant permission to do so.

You are responsible for any use of your account; therefore, you need to take all reasonable precautions, including maintaining a secure password and always logging your account out, to prevent use of your account by others.

Information Technology System

The college Information Technology System, including Internet services, is a shared resource provided to St. John’s students, faculty and staff. The services support the business of the college: teaching, learning, scholarship and administration. Recreational use of resources is not allowed to degrade System performance at any time.

Your Rights: Fair access. No other user may deny, diminish or disrupt your access through any means, including:

  • Intentionally, recklessly or negligently damaging equipment and other physical resources
  • Intentionally, recklessly or negligently attempting to degrade, disrupt, or damage computer system and network performance, software, data or data transmission
  • Unduly consuming computing or network resources
  • Violating the privacy of your files and accounts
  • Masquerading as another user
  • Distributing material which violates applicable local, state, and federal laws
  • Distributing material which is demeaning or discriminatory via any electronic mail or other computer network facility
  • Making random or mass mailings
  • Using resources for commercial or political purposes

Your Responsibility: Is to uphold the right to fair access of your fellow users by properly utilizing resources and avoiding any detrimental effect on the work of others. You are responsible for the behavior of any computer you connect to the college network; therefore you need to take all reasonable precautions including running anti-virus and anti-spyware software and keeping their definitions current.

Your use of the St. John’s College Information Technology System must comply with all federal, New Mexico, Maryland, and other applicable laws; all applicable contracts and licenses; and college policies as articulated in the student, faculty and staff handbooks. These laws, contracts, licenses and policies include:

  • Laws governing libel, privacy, copyright, trademark, obscenity, and child pornography
  • The Electronic Communications Privacy Act, which prohibits eavesdropping on network data
  • The Computer Abuse Amendments Act, which prohibits spreading viruses or other harmful code
  • The Digital Millennium Copyright Act, which prohibits the distribution of copyrighted materials over the Internet for which the distributor does not have permission
  • The college’s harassment policy
  • The college’s non-profit status
  • All applicable software licenses

Digital Health and Wellness

Use of technology has related physical and psychological issues associated with it. The college strives to provide ergonomic work stations and encourages a healthy approach to all aspects of technology use. The website .

Digital Security (Self-protection)

Students should take precautions to protect their personal information in an online environment. Do not share logins, passwords, or social security numbers with others or online. Also, please do not leave laptops, cell phones, or other valuable devices unattended anywhere on campus. When using social media, consider the level of privacy you would like to maintain and review your privacy/security settings as appropriate. These websites provide helpful safety tips: